Novena prayer
P: Let us pray: Eternal Father, you graciously looked upon the humility of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and made her to be the Mother of the Word Incarnate. Grant we beseech you that we who honor her Assumption into the Kingdom of Heaven, may by her intercession also come to share in the inheritance of those you have redeemed by the precious Blood of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. R: Amen
P: With faith and confidence let us bring before the Lord through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, our prayers and intentions as we together say:
Most holy Immaculate Virgin and my Mother *Mary, to you who are the Mother of my Lord,* the Queen of the world,* the advocate,* the hope, and the refuge of sinners, *I have recourse today,* I who am the most miserable of all.* I render you my most humble homage, 0 great Queen,* and I thank you for all the graces you have conferred on me until now,* particularly for having delivered me from hell,* which I have so often deserved.* I love you, 0 most amiable Lady;* and for the love which I bear you,* I promise to serve you always,* and to do all in my power to make others love you also.* Dearest Mother* bring before the throne of your beloved Son* the prayers and intentions I ask during this novena*
(Here we mention our prayers; please also pray for all who are present today. Pray for the intentions of our Holy Father the Pope, and for all the clergy. Pray also for the sick and dying, and for the suffering souls in purgatory)
P: I place in you all my hopes; ALL: I confide my salvation to your care.* Accept me for your servant, and receive me under your mantle,*0 Mother of Mercy.* And since you are so powerful with God,* deliver me from all temptations,* or rather obtain for me the strength to triumph over them until death.* Of you I ask a perfect love for Jesus Christ.* Through you I hope to die a good death.* 0 my Mother, by the love which you bear to God,* I beseech you to help me at all times,* especially at the last moment of my life.* Leave me not, I beseech you,* until I am safe in heaven,* blessing you, and singing your mercies for all eternity.* Amen. So I hope. So may it be.
P: Hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee; Blessed art thou amongst women, and blest is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
R: Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. ( 3 times)
The Litany of Our Lady
*Sung alternately
C: God the Father, God the Son, Holy Spirit with them God, ever Three and ever One, Grant us your mercy!
All: Holy Mary Mother blest of the everlasting God, of all virgins Holiest, Ora pro nobis. (Pray for us)
C: Mother of our Savior Christ, Mother of all grace Divine, Mother purest and most chaste, Ora pro nobis.
All: Mother holy undefiled, Mother loving and beloved, Mother wondrous in thy child, Ora pro nobis.
C: Mother who was meet to bear Him who made you and the world, Mother of our Savior dear, Ora pro nobis.
All: Virgin of most prudent mind, Virgin meet to be revered, Virgin blest by all mankind. Ora pro nobis.
C: Virgin mighty in your prayer, Virgin tender in your love, faithful passing all compare. Ora pro nobis.
All: Mirror of God’s righteousness, Seat of wisdom infinite, Cause of all our joyfulness. Ora pro nobis.
C: Vessel of the Spirit fair, Vessel unto honor made, Vessel of devotion rare. Ora pro nobis.
All: Rose that in the heavenly bower, Mystic giving fragrance sweet. Tower of David, Ivory tower. Ora pro nobis.
C: House of Gold that gleams afar, Ark of our New Covenant, Heaven’s portal, Morning Star. Ora pro nobis.
All: Health of those to sickness born, Sinners Refuge, Christians aid, comforter of those who mourn. Ora pro nobis.
C: Queen above the Angels throned, Patriarchs and Prophets Queen, Queen by Christ Apostles owned. Ora pro nobis.
All: Queen of Martyrs in your grief, Queen of all Confessors brave, Queen of Holy Virgins Chief. Ora pro nobis.
C: Queen of all the Saints above, Queen conceived without a stain, Queen of peace in all your love. Ora pro nobis.
All: Queen Assumed to wondrous fame, Queen of the Holy Rosary, lovingly before your shrine. Ora pro nobis.
O Lamb of God, that takes away the sins of the world, R: Spare us O Lord
O Lamb of God, that takes away the sins of the world, R: Graciously hear us O Lord
O Lamb of God, that takes away the sins of the world, R: Have mercy upon us
Pray for us O Holy Mother of God; R: That we might be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray: Grant we beseech you O Lord that we your servants may rejoice in continual health of body and soul, and by the glorious intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, be delivered from our present sorrows and attain unto those joys that shall have no end; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Novena Hymn: Holy Virgin by God’s decree
Holy Virgin by God’s decree, you were called eternally
That He could give His Son to our race, Mary we praise you
Hail full of grace. Ave, Ave, Ave Maria.
By your faith and loving accord as the handmaid of the Lord
You undertook God’s plan to embrace, Mary we thank you
Hail full of grace. Ave, Ave, Ave Maria.
Joy to God you gave and expressed, of all women none more blessed,
When in mankind your Son took His place, Mary we love you
Hail full of grace. Ave, Ave, Ave Maria.
Refuge for your children so weak, sure protection all can seek.
Problems of life you help to face, Mary we trust you
Hail full of grace. Ave, Ave, Ave Maria.
To our needy world of today, Love and beauty you portray,
Showing the path to Christ we must trace, Mary Our Mother
Hail full of grace. Ave, Ave, Ave Maria.
Saint Catherine’s Church
110 Bray Ave.
Middletown, N.J.